• Please do NOT mail in checks. Kindly place offering checks in the collection basket during Mass. Checks should be made out to Mission San Antonio de Pala. Write TLM and your four-digit donor number on the memo line.
• A Prayer to St. Micheal has been added to the Devotionals menu.
• Attention Young Adults. Ages 18 to 35: The
Mead Up Group engages in a variety of activities that provide opportunities to interact with other young Catholic men and women. See Activities in the Calendar/Events section to get involved.
• Register now for the Divine Mercy and Spiritual Warfare Conference to be held in San Marcos, CA on Saturday, October 12. Download the form in the Events section.
• Please join us on
Sunday, October 13 to celebrate Father Peter Adrian's Feast Day. Cake and ice cream will be served in the Narthex after Mass.
• Friday, November 1 is All Saints Day, a Holy Day of Obligation. Mass will be celebrated at 6:00 PM.• A NCTLM Retreat will be held on
Saturday, November 2
(All Souls Day) at San Juan Diego Center from 8:00 AM to 11 PM. More information to come.• A
is planned for Saturday, December 7. More Information to come.• After Mass on
Sunday, December 8
, a procession honoring Our Lady of Immaculate Conception followed by a Fajita Garden Party will be held.• Pick up a voter registration form in the foyer if you are a citizen and are not registered to vote, have moved, or changed parties. Fill it out and send it in. Postage is free. You should receive confirmation by mail that your registration has been received. The election is closer than you think and your support is needed to vote for your Catholic values. Forms for San Diego, Riverside and Orange Counties are available.