A scapular is a sacramental that looks like two small pieces of wool cloth connected by string that is worn over the neck, either or under one's clothing, susch tat one piece of cloth hangs over the chest and the second piece of cloth hanags over the back. they derive from the scapualrs which make up part of monastics' religious habits. Monastic scapulars came, over time, to be called jugum Christi (the yoke of Christ), and receiving the scapular (becoming invested) took on solemn meaning. Abbreviated forms of the full monastic scapulars were to be worn even at night.
Some scapulars have privileges andindulgences attached to wearing them, but like any sacramental, scapulars are not magic their eficacy depends on the proper intentions and aith of the wearer. Only by following through on the promises one makes when ecoming invested can be benefits associated with them be had. They are reminders to behave with holiness.
The Brown Scapular of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, associated with the Carmelite Order is the most well known. In AD 15 July 1251, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock after heprayed for help for his Order. She appared to him with the scapular and said, "Take, beloved son, this scapular of thy order as a badge of my confraternity and for thee and all Carmelites, a special sign of gace, whoever dies in this garmet will not suffer everlasting fire. It is the sign of salvation, a safeguard in dangers, a pledge of peace and of the convenant.
Enrollment in the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel can be performed by a priest by obtaining a scapular and expressing your desire for enrollment. A false belief that wearing the Brown Scapular offers some sort of guarantee of salvation because of legendary words attributed to Our Landy. Sacramentals are not magical ways to manipulate God; they are Church instituted rituals/objects that remind us of what we are supposed to be doing/think of, that depend on the faith, hoe and love of the user and which help prepare us to receive God's saving grace. One must do more than wear the scapular, one must wear it worthily.
Your fist scapular should be blessed by a priest. Once blessed, you then become invested when the priest recites certain prayers. If it wears out and you need to replace it, the blessing transfers to replacements. The proper way to dispose of a worn out scapular is to either burn or bury it.